Thursday, February 7, 2008

: on ( not ) being missional :

... sorry, I couldn't resist. After my 'ps' at the end of this morning's 'missional' post I saw this, and kind of had a bad reaction. This is, I think, indicative of how big the shift currently going on really is.

... when I saw it I felt sad, sick, sorry. I also felt like it could be one of those cartoons where you are supposed to point out how many errors you can find. I counted at least 6.5. Are we really that badly off, to have to resort to affordable, effective, powerful TV commercials? oops, my mistake ... all of those were capitalized: Affordable, Effective, Powerful.

Maybe it is just me? but when I viewed the newer, younger, hipper ALPHA-replacement series H20 I felt the same things ... too slick, trying too hard, missing the 'target' audience, mostly because the marketers don't ( can't ) know them. Only we can.



Anonymous said...

i finally had to tell the faithhighway salesman to QUIT FRIGGIN CALLING ME! the other day.


dlc said...

... and that would be because YOU are a lead/teaching pastor, and I'm NOT!


dlc said...

OK ... so other people are thinking about this today as well. Check out: ( a good antidote )


ps. let me know if these links aren't working ...

The Renegade Librarian said...

I had never even heard of this thing until I saw it on your blog, DLC. What crap.

dlc said...

Bing ... you ( obviously ) don't travel in the same circles as TB and I ... you're not missing anything!
