Thursday, March 27, 2008

: a missing week in the life of a 'blog :

... here it is, Thursday again, or already, a week has passed since I wrote anything. Granted, it was Easter weekend, kids were home from school, trips to the mainland were made, and all that. Taking a page from Bing's 'blog ... here is a semi-random sampling of last week's ideas, conversations, challenges and ...

Maundy Thursday : planned to attend UBC's main campus prospective student orientation day with Fraser, but after arranging all the other details, and I mean ALL the other details, UBC's student site wouldn't let him register for Thursday, so we changed gears and went for Tuesday, only to find out Thursday would have worked after all. Note to self ... inefficiency and generalities from big institutions can be very frustrating. I'd better remember that for whatever incarnation my life takes this next few months.

Easter Weekend : for the first time in 8 years I haven't been involved in planning or leading Easter services at Lambrick Park Church. A nice change, but weird. Ended up having a mellow long weekend, which isn't saying much given that every day is like a Saturday these days! Missed the sunrise service on the beach due to rain, bummer. It went on, but I didn't reach on it, lazy bum that I am.

Easter Monday : Spring Break wrapping up, took Megg and roommate Claire to the ferry, along with Fras as we were headed to UBC. Ran into Jamie S on the ferry, a real treat. She has started her new job, or calling maybe? with MCC in Vancouver's DTES ( Down Town East Side ) working with immigrant families, primarily Latino, given her Spanish. Got settled into Carey Hall residence by 8 pm, and went downtown to catch the 9 pm IMAX showing of U2:3D ... wow! Pretty remarkable. I have the Vertigo Tour DVD filmed in Chicago's United Center, but this was filmed outdoors in Buenos Aires, Argentina in a stadium that must hold 60,000. Sound was phenomenal, 3D was crazy, only thing missing ( for me ) was Elevation and Mysterious Ways. However, Miss Sarejevo might well have made up for it? Simply ... wow.

Tuesday : UBC's 'Degree-in-a-Day' with Fraser. A very big campus. 2 hour walking tour. 40,000 is a lot of students. Surprisingly, a lot of USA students checking UBC out. A teensy bit of attitude on UBC's part ... the assumption being everyone wants to be there ... whereas in reality I'd say it was 50/50 people admitted already, and those still scoping schools out. Vanier Place, one of two huge 1st/2nd year student residence complexes houses 1,400 18-19-20 year olds in 10 buildings. Totem Park just down the East Mall houses another 1,200. Hmmm ... can you say "concentrated party zone" 3x fast? Outta there by 3:45 pm thinking the 5 pm ferry is a no-brainer. Not! At 4 pm the 5 was full, and the 7 pm sailing was 43% already. Right ... end of Spring Break.

Wednesday : totally mellow day. Read/re-read a bunch of stuff from organizational thinkers at MIT ... Senge, Scharmer and friends. Really fascinating material. Not sure if many folks actually get it, or can implement it in their organizations, but you have to start somewhere I guess? I've read these guys over the years, and picked up an idea here, a thought there, and probably applied some bits and pieces. It is fun to be re-reading their stuff having taken a step back, and maybe seeing the forest, not just the trees, which so easily happens when you've got the pedal to the metal working fulltime and then some ( like most of you reading this ). But that's partly what this few months break is about, right?

Hockey : took in the Salmon Kings game Saturday night with Pete L. Was good. SKings have partnered to do some fund raising for the Breast Cancer Foundation, and were giving away soft pink t-shirts. Must have had 8,000 shirts on hand. By the end of the game, as the Kings fought their way back from a 2-0 deficit I think all 5,300 fans in attendance were waving a t-shirt, egging the Kings on. It was either profound, that much pink in support of cancer research, or a bit odd, a hockey arena awash in pastel pink. A side note ... people get a little crazy when free stuff is available. Watch sometime.

Last night we had a mix of Avalanche fans and Canuckleheads over for pizza as the battle for the last playoff spot was partly at stake. Kyle & Amy were actually at the game in Denver. Now that is commitment.

Gotta run,


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