Wednesday, May 28, 2008

: a radio refugee rant :

... OK, so I am ( again ) probably showing my age, but when I jumped in the car this morning the radio was set to FM98.5 'The Ocean' ... which bills itself in Victoria as Today's Lite Rock. Their morning co-hosts, a married couple going by Forbes & Marshall, were bantering about upcoming concerts, and long term bands touring this summer.

Rush is playing BC Place tomorrow evening, and when she mentioned Rush, he replied ... 'huh? really? wow! who knew?' ... how can anyone ( in radio ) have missed the advertising of this tour?

This is an example of why I am more and more becoming a refugee from radio. I bailed on christian radio years ago, and I am pretty close to bailing on radio radio. Maybe the iPod/MP3 inputs in rental vehicles have spoiled me?


ps. then again? UVic's student newspaper, the Martlett, publishes a regular listing of the Top Ten songs played/listened to/requested each week, and I have yet to recognize any of them. Granted, university radio can be a little edgy, but I am guessing this is an indication of me being stuck back somewhere, and frustrated that Mr. McCool radio guy at the Ocean doesn't share my niche in mid-70's through late 80's rock. Bummmer.


The Renegade Librarian said...

Forbes & Marshall make my blood boil--a couple of real numbnuts, the two of them...

LJ said...

So .... did you RUSH out and get tickets? Or is your walker in for a tune-up?