Friday, June 6, 2008

: priority check :

... over at 'Open Hands' Mark posted about a unique response to a potentially resource-abundant situation north of Toronto. I'll add a link, and maybe you can enjoy a little reading over your coffee Saturday morning?

On the flip side, Coop is asking about what our churches might do, in more resourced-challenged type situations.

One of my all time fav books has to be John Stott's 'Christian Counter-Culture' on the message of the Sermon on the Mount. In it he speaks repeatedly to Kingdom priorities. I think the community of faith referred to here, and Ms. Dueck's insights both give us examples of right thinking.


ps. on a scale of health vs resources, this faith community may be so healthy it not only looked a gift horse in the mouth ( Globe & Mail ) it has a full on 'bells & whistles' web site ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that bells-and-whistles website rocks, doesn't it?