Wednesday, August 6, 2008

: twitter : blog : facebook: overlap :

... okay, inspired by Gaping Void's cartoon, with the new FaceBook's changes, and their encouragement towards a more Twitter-like status update question ... "what are you doing right now?" ... I have been wondering?

... what if ( and I am pretty sure I saw this a few weeks ago ... Twitter asking me if I wanted it to update my FBook status? ) I am coming at this awkwardly? What if Twitter was the main thing, which updated my FBook status, FBook being a little more detailed, and the 'blog was more of a dump of reading, thinking, pondering, sharing ideas and thoughts?

... I've kind been flopping back and forth on this, wondering which makes the most sense? I may stick with the new FaceBook for a bit, use the Twitter update feature, if I can find it again, and 'blog occasionally when inspiration strikes, no pressure.


1 comment:

LJ said...

OK, you're either having a slow blog day, or your brain is full.