Thursday, September 4, 2008

? r.e.t. or r.i.p ?

... renewable energy technologies — “E.T.” — are going to constitute the next great global industry. They will rival and probably surpass “I.T.” — information technology.

The countries that spawn the most E.T. will enjoy more economic power, strategic advantage and rising standards of living. Big oil and OPEC want to make sure it is not America.

Thomas Friedman


... I'd rather call them RETs, as it gets the renewable up front and in there consistently, but then again, I am not an NYTimes columnist. Either way, it is interesting to hear the US presidential candidates ( and their vices ) rattle off half a dozen "new" energy (re)sources like North American's commitment is actually there, and not in oil. I guess I sat there last night listening to Mitt Romney, Rudi Guliani and Sarah Palin thinking ... this is all about protection ... of a life style, a sense of entitlement, a role in the global order. What about questions that might some day provide real answers, solutions, instead of entrenched positions that cost more and more and more ( oil dependency, war, whatever ).


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