Wednesday, October 15, 2008

: and the ( canadian ) elections results, please :

... okay, so we have a 'strengthened' minority government this morning. Lots of commentary about an unnecessary $300 million election, but I am wondering about the various subplots just underneath the surface of the more obvious results.

Here's a few that came to mind this morning after reading some papers and websites. Maybe trying to get 10 will be stretching it ... but I'll start and see where we get to ... in no particular order :

i) Dion's leadership ... everyone says he is toast. Is he? should he be? will he be?
ii) parliamentary workings ... or machinations. Can "sweater Steve" co-collaborate?
iii) re-distribution of seats ... what does CPC's showing in key urban centres mean?
iv) the Bloc ... there's gotta be a better raison d'etre than "we bloc'd his majority"
v) the economy ... sad, odd and weird even to see Dion admit "it's the economy" stupid
vi) the greens ... on several levels, I missed something. Coulda, shoulda, woulda?
vii) which national party ... can the Tories be that? have the Libs lost that? or what?
viii) the glass ceiling ... not Layton, Broadbent, whomever, can break through ??? %
ix) power ... why do people want this kind of power? Iggy? Bob Rae!?! they're sharks.
x) democracy ... why Canadians so cynical about it? what can we do ( about turnout )?

Well, now that I hit 10 without really having to wrack my brains, I could go on, but won't. Maybe the subplots this morning are like the back of the tapestry ... all knots and loose ends, but when you are able to look at the actual wall hanging, you see something? But on south Vancouver Island alone, two ridings bucked conventional wisdom, and I wonder what that says?


BA, Political Science 1982
University of Western Ontario

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