Monday, October 13, 2008

: betwixt 'n between on a holiday monday :

... okay, so kids came home for the long weekend, and are leaving again. Today is drizzly wet, and we already did the turkey thing. Tomorrow is the Canadian election, and I don't know who to vote for ( yet. Here, or nationally ). There's stuff I could/should do for SBF, but not motivated to.

... actually craving a strong coffee, which I never, ever do after 8 am.

What I'd like to do on Thanksgiving Monday I can't today ... cut the lawn, smell leaves burning, enjoy a crisp October day, going for a walk around Rithet's Bog, or Beacon Hill Park, or Elk Lake. Maybe my funk is that, given the weather, it is painfully clear that not only is summer gone, and fall fading, but winter is coming? Yuck.

So today is just one of those betwixt 'n between days. On a micro level, on the macro level, on an middle level. Tons I should do, but no motivation to do them. Good thing this doesn't afflict me often! But today? Bummer ...


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