Tuesday, October 7, 2008

: the irony of thanksgiving and homelessness :

... over at 'The Weary Pilgrim' our buddy Ron Cole has asked for a little help with a Mustard Seed booth down at the Bay Centre during Victoria Homelessness Action Week, which is October 12 -19, and an initiative of the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness.

This evening my friend Gerry B invited me to attend the GVCtEH awareness event described on the poster, and I am going to go. Partly because I have been very impressed by the blue ribbon team put together, and partly because the work they've done so far is impressive, and partly because ... well? I am tired of feeling helpless and myopic and suburban.

But I have to say, isn't it a little ironic that we come off Thanksgiving and right into Homelessness Action Week 2008? Maybe the timing is intentional. Maybe not. Maybe we'll blow right through a short week and on into mid-October without missing a beat. I hope not. Ron's observations are accurate, something is changing, for the worse, not better, and somehow we need to do something, be part of doing something, a solution ... not a bandaid, or a fix. God help us.


ps. I can rarely not do the PS thing ... but ABSO has 1,000's of 'toons, including one earlier this week, which seemed utterly appropriate :

Ron C added a few thoughts to yesterday's observations. You can read them here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Don thanks man for spreading the word. And your right about the real need for change, there seems to be a real disconnect from suburban christianity and the inner city. Maybe in the constant glimpses of what we see downtown as we rush by, we've inoculated ourselves, immunized ourselves from the desparation. Spend some time down there, and you discover that Jesus is there.
The ABSO cartoon sums it up beautifully...or should I say tragically. Peace...Ron+