Monday, April 14, 2008

: i are a weakly, oops, weekly 'blogger :

... not quite sure exactly how I hit this stride of about 1.15 posts per week, but I have. I wonder how all those uber-creative 'bloggers do it? and to think, I was pressuring TBailey back into the 'sphere. Sorry, Tim. I think I understand your reticence to re-commit.


ps. I've really been enjoying a 'blog by David Armano @ Critical Mass in Chicago ( but HQ is in Calgary ). If you have a minute ( or 60 ) sometime, take a look around his 'blog. His graphic renditions of his ideas are worth their weight in gold, if you ask me, a visual learner. This recent post ties into the above discussion. Also, here is an example of his graphic work ...

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