Tuesday, May 20, 2008

: them ramblin' ambassadors :

... just had to note that while most of us were at Kingsley's 'Farewell Tour' backyard party on Saturday night the Ramblin' Ambassadors were at Logan's Pub on Cook Street. Why is that important, you ask? Well, growing up, as the oldest of 5 kids, we had a steady stream of full size GM station wagons, most of them, I think, with that faux wood grain panelling. I actually remember my dad trading in a '57 Chevy 4 door on an early '60's Pontiac Stratochief wagon. Anyhow ... somewhere in that list was a 1969 Oldsmobile 'Vista Cruiser' exactly like this one on the Ramblin' Ambassadors new CD. In fact, the CD title is ... Vista Cruiser Country Squire. Crazy. Ours was the same cool green shade, although my own kids tend not to believe my story.

This last week JimmyK and Hil have been making good use of my 1990 Pontiac 6000 LE Safari wagon, with ... yes ... the faux wood panelling on it, as they pack 'er up here in BC and head for the rolling hills of SW Ontario. Looks just like this, only better, in white. Apparently the tradition continues as Megg gets to take it to the mainland for Yr III at TWU in September :)


ps. thought I'd try to re-construct a list of those stations wagons ... here's my best shot at it: 1963 Pontiac Stratochief white; 1966 Chev Caprice dark brown; 1969 Olds Vista Cruiser green; 1973 Pontiac Catalina beige; 1976 Buick Estate Wagon cream. That's about it. Lots of trips ... beach, Niagara Falls, and arenas in them chariots! There's a really great 'family folklore' story for every one of those cars ... another post maybe someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The suburban landscape of Victoria would not be the same without seeing that wagon rolling down the street every so often. Your car is an icon to all that is good and right in the world.
